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Ordering your custom mug is as easy as 1..2..3!
1. pick your mug style
Select from our many styles of mug available.
2. Customize your mug
Using the "Customize Your Mug!" box, input as much information as possible to create your perfect mug! Send any requested pictures to
If your mug is going to be Navy themed, select which style Warfare Pins or Anchors you would like and include your command in the "Customize Your Mug!" box. If your command is not listed in the "Military Crests" tab, send an email to to see if it can be drawn.
***The bottom, inside, and handle of the mugs are not customizable***
3. Approve your mockup
Once your order is received and processed, we will genetate a mockup for your approval and send it via email or text message to the email/phone number you provided!
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